The SFTE EC Jesualdo Martinez Award In Flight Testing has been created to commemorate our colleague and board member Jesualdo Martines Rodanes, who tragically deceased in the accident of A400M MSN 23, in Seville in May 2015.
Ramiro Chagas de Carvalho B.Sc., Flight Test Engineering – EMBRAER S/A
Gustavo Borges de Oliveira M.Sc., Flight Test Engineering – EMBRAER S/A
Tamara Alice Chaves Tibúrcio Barros M.Sc., Flight Test Engineering – EMBRAER S/A
At Embraer Flight Test Department, it has been found necessary to improve the effectiveness of tests during certain flight test campaigns while reducing the occurrence of test repetitions due to less than ideal test validation during flight. As a result, a project is being developed to create a methodology and a set of software tools to accomplish that. This set of tools is called ATLAS (Algorithm in Test Loop Analysis System) whose main purpose is to provide “on line” test data processing capabilities while testing airplane prototypes. By having this, test engineers can take more effective decisions, based not only on acquired data but on actual test results, obtained by data processing/analysis which is test concomitant. The ATLAS main characteristics are:
The use of this software package is expected to promote a culture change in the company, moving the workload peak from post test data analysis phase to test preparation phase. By doing so, higher test effectiveness and higher level of in-test decision can be achieved with improvements in test efficiency, reduction of test repetition occurrence and, as a consequence, the reduction of test phase related costs.