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Flight Test in Granada INTA Facilities

Luis Dávila, National Institute for Aerospace Technology, INTA, Spain
Erwin Weiss, Industrieanlagen-Betriebsgesellschaft, IABG mbH, Germany


INTA who owns the flight-test facilities in Granada provides services in coopera-tion with IABG mbH. Several campaigns of different customers have used Granada as a test base in the past. The centre has evolved from basic facilities in the 90´s to a quite large and modern test facility. A 10.000 ft runway, almost no traffic, calm weather, dry no wind and an elevation of 2.000 ft are conditions which will allow most flight-tests to be performed. Test areas above the Mediterranean Sea provide almost unlimited laterally areas with excellent altitude blocks. The facilities on Granada airport contain a flight-test hangar and a dedicated ramp-area for large airplanes. Furnished containers for approximately 60 employees including meeting rooms equipped with data- and telephone lines are even suitable for large teams. 2 fully equipped telemetry-rooms, each with 8 working places, with a possible relay station for offshore testing coverage, are available. The facilities can be used 7 days a week and 24 hours per day to meet tight campaign schedules.

Tue, 2007-06-12