The SFTE EC Symposium 2015 - Call for Papers - New deadline for abstracts

The 26th SFTE European Chapter Symposium will be hosted by INTA and the "Escuela Tecnica Superior de Ingenieria de Sevilla" 6-8 October 2015 in Seville, Spain.

The symposium theme is “Flight Test, where no one has gone before”

Update 2: Deadline for abstracts: 30th of June 2015
Notification to authors: 15th of July 2015
Final paper submission: 15th of September 2015

Read where to submit your paper in the Call for Papers Flyer

Accident of A400M in Seville

Saturday 9th of May 2015, a fatal accident involving an A400M happened in Seville, Spain. It was the first flight of the production aircraft MSN 023. A crew of 6 members was on board, two Test Pilots and four Flight Test Engineers. As consequence of the crash four people died: the two test pilots and two Flight Test Engineers. The other two were severely injured. The two test pilots deceased were: Jaime de Gandarillas and Manuel Regueiro. The Flight Test Engineers were Gabriel Garcia Prieto and Jesualdo Martínez. From the SFTE we would like to express our deepest condolences to the families and relatives of the victims, and the full Spanish flight test community.

Jesualdo Martínez Ródenas.
He was Major in the spanish airforce. Military pilot, he completed the Master in Flight Test from the University Polytechnic of Madrid. He started to work for Airbus Defence & Space as Test Engineer in the P-3 modernisation program. Later he became involved in all the turboprop test programs from the company (CN-235 and C-295). Recently he was assigned to the A400M program as Flight Test Engineer.

He was married, with two sons.
Jesualdo joined the Society in 2013. He participated in the European symposium in Braunschweig and in the international symposium in Forth Worth. He was currently the European representative in the Technical Council.

We all will miss his enthusiasm and strength. He was always ready to participate and, really became a strong support for the society in a very short time. From the flight test community we would like to express our condolences and sorrow to family and friends.

The SFTE EC Symposium 2015 - Call for Papers - New deadline for abstracts

The 26th SFTE European Chapter Symposium will be hosted by INTA and the "Escuela Tecnica Superior de Ingenieria de Sevilla" 6-8 October 2015 in Seville, Spain.

The symposium theme is “Flight Test, where no one has gone before”

Update: Deadline for abstracts: 1st of June 2015
Notification to authors: 15th of June 2015
Final paper submission: 15th of September 2015

Read where to submit your paper in the Call for Papers Flyer

The SFTE EC Symposium 2015 - Call for Papers

The 26th SFTE European Chapter Symposium will be hosted by INTA and the "Escuela Tecnica Superior de Ingenieria de Sevilla" 6-8 October 2015 in Seville, Spain.

The symposium theme is “Flight Test, where no one has gone before”

Update: Deadline for abstracts: 1st of June 2015
Notification to authors: 15th of June 2015
Final paper submission: 15th of September 2015

Read where to submit your paper in the Call for Papers Flyer

SFTE member fatality

The membership of the European Chapter would like to express our sincere regrets over the loss of ‘Galactic’ and the tragic loss of Michael Alsbury. We of the flight test community follow our chosen profession with great enthusiasm, aware of the risks and try our hardest to minimise these wherever possible.

Most of us are aware of and depend upon the support of our loved ones as we pursue our dreams in an exacting profession, absorbed by the thrill of adventure, and technical advance working with colleagues we rely upon for our whole wellbeing.It is easy to forget that we are not alone, our families are always with us and face the consequences of any misadventure.

It is difficult to think of anything appropriate to say when the worst happens, such occurrences are less frequent, since the flight test community has grouped together with safety as our prime concern. Those of us who have experienced similar situations, are aware of a sense of loss, and try even harder to prevent a recurrence

Our group is affected in just such a way now, and although distance robbed us of the privilege of knowing Michael well, we are deeply aware of a sense of loss.

Please be aware of our love and support.

Written by David Gibbing

The SFTE EC Symposium 2015 - Announcement - Dates and Place

The SFTE EC is happy to announce that:
The 26th SFTE European Chapter Symposium will be hosted by INTA and the "Escuela Tecnica Superior de Ingenieria de Sevilla" 6-8 October 2015 in Seville, Spain.

Call For papers and further information will come in the next weeks.
We wait for you all here.

8th European Flight Test Safety Workshop - Announcement

The 8th European Flight Test Safety Workshop will be held in Manching, Germany, during the week of 4-6 November 2014.

The purpose of the Safety Workshop is to provide an open forum where test safety issues can be presented, discussed and probed with other members and disciplines of the flight test community. The theme of the workshop is “Management of Risks in Flight Test”.

Read more in the SETP website

AIM Symposium 2014

This is an announcement to the flight test community.
will be from 9th to 10th of September 2014 in DLR - GÖTTINGEN, GERMANY.

Read more in the Symposium announcement.


The SFTE EC Symposium 2014 - Registration

The combined European SETP and SFTE Flight Test Symposium will provide an excellent opportunity to share lessons learned, best practices and test technology advancements.
The symposium will be held in Luleå, Sweden 15th to 18th June 2014.

Registration is now available
TESTING TOGETHER is chosen as the symposium theme to reflect the importance of collaboration needed to perform successful flight testing.
What can we learn from each other?
Most flight testing is planned, performed and reported within the scope of test teams. But what is a good test team? How should the test teams be organized? How do Test Pilots, Test Engineers and Managers organize and control the activities needed to perform efficient testing? Does the actual system under test, from fixed wing to helicopter; slow to fast; small to large; manned to unmanned, make a difference?

The following website will guide on how to register for the symposium and will also keep you updated on the latest information:

The SFTE EC Symposium 2014 - Call for Papers

The combined European SETP and SFTE Flight Test Symposium will provide an excellent opportunity to share lessons learned, best practices and test technology advancements.
All flight test related topics are welcome.

TESTING TOGETHER is chosen as the symposium theme to reflect the importance of collaboration needed to perform successful flight testing.
What can we learn from each other?
Most flight testing is planned, performed and reported within the scope of test teams. But what is a good test team? How should the test teams be organized? How do Test Pilots, Test Engineers and Managers organize and control the activities needed to perform efficient testing? Does the actual system under test, from fixed wing to helicopter; slow to fast; small to large; manned to unmanned, make a difference?

If possible, papers should address the symposium theme in some way, whether in examples or lessons learned, in order to contribute to a summary lessons learned.

Call for Papers Flyer

The following website will keep you updated on the latest information:


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