7th European Flight Test Safety Workshop - Program

The 7th European Flight Test Safety Workshop will be held in Amsterdam during the week of 29-31 October 2013.

The purpose of the Safety Workshop is to provide an open forum where test safety issues can be presented, discussed and probed with other members and disciplines of the flight test community. The theme of the workshop is “Flight Deck Design and Human-Machine Interface”.

Read more in the workshop programme


The SFTE EC Symposium 2014 - Announcement

The 25th SFTE European Chapter Symposium will be hosted together with SETP European Section 15-18 June 2014 in Luleå and Vidsel, Sweden

The following website will keep you updated on the latest information:

Papers from the SFTE EC Symposium 2013

Papers from the 24th Annual SFTE EC Symposium is now available on the Papers section

7th European Flight Test Safety Workshop

The 7th European Flight Test Safety Workshop will be held in Amsterdam during the week of 29-31 October 2013.

The purpose of the Safety Workshop is to provide an open forum where test safety issues can be presented, discussed and probed with other members and disciplines of the flight test community. The theme of the workshop is “Flight Deck Design and Human-Machine Interface”.

Read more in the workshop program

The SFTE EC Symposium 2013 - Programme and Registration Information

The 24th SFTE European Chapter Symposium will be held at DLR, Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt, premises in Braunschweig, Germany, from the 11th to the 13th of June 2013.

The programme for the SFTE EC Symposium 2012 is now available: Symposium Programme

The SFTE EC Symposium 2013 - Invitation and Registration

The 24th SFTE European Chapter Symposium will be held at DLR, Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt, premises in Braunschweig, Germany, from the 11th to the 13th of June 2013.

Please read all about the symposium in the
Symposium Brochure.

The SFTE EC Symposium 2013 - Invitation and Information Brochure

The symposium theme is "Defeating Murphy’s Law in Flight Test”.

In flight test sometimes the most unlikely things happen. Who would have known that a simple series of pitot static tests would have to be stalled twice in two consecutive years because of volcano eruptions and that the pitot statics aircraft – DLR’s Falcon 20 - would be known today as Volcano Ash Hunter. But it does not require a volcano - sometimes it’s just the regular stuff like the weather, technical problems, the technician who goes skiing and breaks his leg the day before the campaign or request for visit forms which magically vanish. It can be the high risk testing which works out just fine and at the very moment when everyone thinks you’re done something completely unrelated to the test goes wrong.

The SFTE EC Symposium 2013 - Announcement and Call for Papers

The 24th SFTE European Chapter Symposium will be held at DLR, Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt, premises in Braunschweig, Germany, from the 11th to the 13th of June 2013.

Defeating Murphy’s Law in Flight Test
In flight test sometimes the most unlikely things happen. Who would have known that a simple series of pitot static tests would have to be stalled twice in two consecutive years because of volcano eruptions and that the pitot statics aircraft – DLR’s Falcon 20 - would be known today as Volcano Ash Hunter.

Summary of the 23th SFTE EC Annual symposium

Amsterdam, Netherlands (2012-06-11/13)
Written by Paul Koks

The 23nd SFTE-EC Annual Symposium took place from June 11 through 13 at the National Aerospace Laboratory NLR in Amsterdam focused on “Flight Testing”. In those three days the NLR and NVvL (The Netherlands Association of Aeronautical Engineers) hosted the 23rd symposium of the European Chapter of the Society of Flight Test Engineers (SFTE EC). The Theme of the symposium was ‘Finding the edge, setting the limits’ thus referring to the ongoing exploration of boundaries during test flights.

The opening of the symposium was performed by Mr. Fred Abbink, former General Director of NLR and president of the NVvL, with a very enthusiastic speech reflecting on a century of aviation in the Netherlands. The organization was very pleased to announce two keynote speakers. Mr. William 'Bill' Coutts (F-35 Flight Test Support & Verification deputy) from Lockheed delivered the first keynote speech focusing on the F-35 programme and Lt-Col. Tjebbe 'Speedy' Haringa (Chief Test Pilot Royal Netherlands Air Force) followed addressing to topic of decline of experience opportunities for young engineers.

The SFTE EC Symposium 2012 - Programme and Registration Information

The 23rd SFTE European Chapter Symposium will be held at National Aerospace Laboratory NLR premises in Amsterdam, The Netherlands from 11th to the 13th of June 2012. The local organization of the symposium is in the hands of the Netherlands Association of Aeronautical Engineers NVvL and National Aerospace Laboratory NLR.

The programme for the SFTE EC Symposium 2012 is now available: Symposium Programme


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