The combined European SETP and SFTE Flight Test Symposium will provide an excellent opportunity to share lessons learned, best practices and test technology advancements.
All flight test related topics are welcome.
TESTING TOGETHER is chosen as the symposium theme to reflect the importance of collaboration needed to perform successful flight testing.
What can we learn from each other?
Most flight testing is planned, performed and reported within the scope of test teams. But what is a good test team? How should the test teams be organized? How do Test Pilots, Test Engineers and Managers organize and control the activities needed to perform efficient testing? Does the actual system under test, from fixed wing to helicopter; slow to fast; small to large; manned to unmanned, make a difference?
If possible, papers should address the symposium theme in some way, whether in examples or lessons learned, in order to contribute to a summary lessons learned.
Call for Papers Flyer
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